Friday, February 6, 2015

I held it

During afternoon play time E came up to me

"I hafta pee!"

Ok E, can you hold it? we are leaving soon (in like 20 minutes soon)

" I hafta pee!!!!"

Ok, ok, I looked around and saw another teacher walking out the door.

Hey S, will you take E to the bathroom.

E looks at me " I wan chuuu to take meeeee"

S bribes E with candy. E goes along.

S comes back "E didn't have to go. He just stood there forever. I asked him if he wanted to go and then he just changed the subject and told me I need to read him a story, so I told him we were going back"

E looks, waits, watches S leave the room, turns to me, smiles, and says "I held it so you can take me Miss Aweeson"


The Letter P

Hi friends, what words start with the letter P?

- Good

-Great answer


"Miss Allison, something smells like someone pooped their pants"
"hey, Poop starts with P!"
"Pants start with P!"

Good jobs you guys, what else starts with p?


Yes, yes it does L

Anything else that starts with p?

Penguin, GOOD! Yes, Penguin starts with P

L noticed something very important
"you didn't write penis down on the paper!"

Me, "uhhh"

Anything else that starts with P?


Ok, guys lets go play